Yachtmaser coastal

– is an advanced qualification that requires entry-level knowledge and skills.

Candidate must have a minimum of 800 miles at sea and 25 days of boating experience.

A VHF radio operator’s certificate is mandatory.

Обучение на яхтмастера

It is divided into: sail, motor, catamaran.

This certificate allows you to operate vessels up to 24 meters at any time of the day in moderate weather with a distance of up to 60 miles from shore.

The age of the candidate is 18 years old.

Training takes place on board the yacht. Minimum 5 days.

Topics covered in the Yachtmaster Coastal course:

  1. Colision Regulation 72
  2. Navigation charts and publications used for navigation.
  3. Computed position, estimated position.
  4. Determination of position.
  5. Tides and currents.
  6. Navigational charting.
  7. Safety at sea.
  8. Meteorology.
  9. Working with ends.
  10. Anchoring.
  11. Steering the yacht.
  12. Mooring
  13. Itinerary plan.

The main focus of the training is on night navigation, steering the boat at night. Boat lights and signs.

To qualify – the candidate must demonstrate confident yacht handling skills both day and night.

Look for the nearest Yachtmaster coastal course in our schedule of training courses, trips and regattas or request it via email, whats app and other contact details at the bottom of the page.

Sailing school IYT "Ocean master club"
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