Yachtmaster ocean

– is an advanced qualification requiring initial knowledge and experience.

Yachtmaster ocean

Candidate must be Yachtmaster offshore certified and have all the knowledge from this course.

Candidate must be over 18 years of age.

Meet medical health requirements.

Qualification to operate vessels up to 24 meters in the open ocean with no restriction on distance from shore.

A VHF radio operator’s certificate is mandatory.

The course includes: theory on determining your position using celestial luminaries, ocean route planning, ocean meteorology, sextant practice.

Topics that are included in the training:

  1. Earth and celestial sphere
  2. PZX triangle
  3. Sextan
  4. Time measurement
  5. Meridional altitudes
  6. Solar ephemeris
  7. Planetary ephemerides
  8. Planning astronomical measurements
  9. Stars
  10. Polaris
  11. Lunar ephemeris
  12. Compass Check
  13. Satellite navigation systems
  14. Sailing in a great circle
  15. Ocean Meteorology
  16. Trip Planning

Handed in a written paper on calculating location using celestial luminaries. Planning a route with ocean crossing. Practical work with a sextant: calibration, measuring the heights of the luminaries.

Look for the nearest Yachtmaster Ocean course in our schedule of training courses, trips and regattas or request it via mail, whats app and other contact details at the bottom of the page.

Sailing school IYT "Ocean master club"
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